Government Resources

Finding the right tax incentives can mean hundreds of thousands of dollars in savings for your business, and the internet doesn’t always make that easy. Searching for these keywords leads to many paid ads for websites that aren’t always helpful. That’s why we put together a comprehensive list of official sites for federal and state tax incentives in one place. 

General and Federal Resources

Department of Labor Empowerment Zone Address Locator Tool: The DOL has developed a worksheet that allows businesses to enter their physical address and then discover whether they are located in a HUD Empowerment Zone. You can learn more about the tool, as well as other DOL resources for employers on their website here: Resources | U.S. Department of Labor (

IRS Tax Incentives: The IRS website lists a variety of business credits and deductions and resources. There, you can find information on the Employee Retention Credit (ERC), Opportunity Zones, Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC), Employer Provided Childcare Credits, and more. Additional information can be found on the IRS website:

State-Specific Resources

Search for your state with the dropdown below.


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